Name: Dave Cy
Birthdate: 10/06/78
Birthplace: Milwaukee, WI
High School: West Allis Nathan Hale
College: 5 Years @ UW-Milwaukee / Still don't know how many more years at
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Never more that 200lbs NOW!
Eyes: Depends on the time of day....Usually Green
Hair: Sandy blond
Instruments Played: Main instrument DRUMS, dabble in Bass, Guitar, Recorder
Musical Favorites/Influences: My Mom, the piano teacher, my Dad, the
drummer, Rush, Steely Dan, The Police, Moody Blues, Yes, Beatles.....Chuck,
Blaine, and Jake - What ever bullshit we have to listen to on the way to a
gig......And various new Hip - Hop such as N.E.R.D and Jay-Z.
When you first started playing: 4 years old, with Sticks and a pillow, took
formal lessons starting at age 7.
Why do you play music?: I have no choice! When I was a kid our speakers
were bigger than the 13" black & white, so we listened to music. And let us
not forget the relaxation factor that comes with playing the
drums....Ahhhhhhhh.............If I didn't play i'd be a dick!